Avondale City Court

Criminal Defense Attorneys: Avondale City Court

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Our Criminal Defense Attorneys can help you with any case in Avondale Municipal Court.

Before you go to court alone, call our experienced staff of criminal defense lawyers can answer questions about any misdemeanor charge in Avondale. Call us now for a free consultation. 602-989-5000

Avondale City Court is a court that handles misdemeanor criminal charges. It is located in Maricopa County, Arizona. Prosecutors in Avondale file charges ranging from misdemeanor assault to DUI. We are very familiar with the policies and procedures of this court. Our firm represented hundreds of people charged with crimes in Avondale.

If you have been arrested for any Avondale City Court matter, we offer a free consultation right over the phone. Have a copy of your ticket or summons with you. We can answer your questions and help you today. If you hire us, we offer affordable fees and payments. Our number is 602-989-5000.



The arraignment starts a criminal case in Avondale City Court with the arraignment. A police officer gives you a ticket with a court date on it or the Court sends you a summons. You need to go to that court date.


The Arraignment is the first court date. Look for your date on the ticket, the summons, or on the jail release paperwork. Call the court if you don’t have your paperwork. The first appearance can be very stressful. In Avondale City Court, an arraignment is usually a very short and informal matter. It is not a trial. You cannot ask the judge to dismiss your case. The judge will not allow you to call witnesses. You will usually enter a plea of not guilty. Then the case will be set to another date.

Avondale City court judges expect people who represent themselves to know the rules and procedures of the court. If you are not facing jail time, Avondale judges may not appoint a public defender. Most importantly, you should absolutely know the consequences of entering a plea of guilty. When you plead guilty to the court, the court could impose a lengthy term of probation. Moreover, criminal guilty pleas expose people to civil lawsuits. If you plead guilty, that fact can be used against you in a civil trial for damages. Finally, guilty pleas can affect your right to bear arms, security clearances, licenses or your immigration status if you are a not a US Citizen.

If the prosecution is seeking jail time and the court finds that you do not have the resources to hire your own lawyer, you can get a public defender. However, keep in mind that your public defender may have numerous cases set at the same time. You may wait for a long time in court.


After your arraignment, your cases may be set to a pretrial conference. On your court paperwork, it may show as “PTC.” At the PTC you can meet with the prosecutor. They have to give you paperwork on your case. You can negotiate with with them. They will give you all the evidence in your case. But you will have to give them any witnesses that you want to call in trial.

Keep in mind that when you speak with the prosecutor that they may use your words against you. You do not need to speak with a prosecutor. They may offer a plea agreement. You do not have to accept the plea and you can go to trial. A person can always plead to the court. If you do that (it’s called pleading to the court) then the judge can sentence you to a sentence that they feel is right. In conclusion, they cannot sentence you to more time than what the law allows for the crime that you are charged with.


Your case is set to trial after a series of pretrial conferences. Trials can be a jury trial or trial to the judge. First, the state presents their case. Second, you are given an opportunity to present your defense. Finally, you will have an opportunity to make a closing argument.

You should be ready for trial and not ask the judge. Judges do not like it when you ask for more time on the day of your trial. You are entitled to either a jury trial or a trial to the judge, depending on your charges. Moreover, if you don’t show up to court, they can still proceed to trial.

The State presents its case first. They will call witnesses to testify against you. You have an opportunity to ask the State’s witnesses questions when they have finished. You can call witnesses when the state has concluded their side of the case. However, the court may limit the number of people you call to testify. When you are done, the judge will ask you for closing arguments. Finally, the State speaks first and then you are given the opportunity to speak.

If you are found not-guilty the case will be dismissed against you. On the other hand, the court will sentence you if you are found guilty.


The maximum time you can receive in Avondale City court is six months in jail. The maximum fine is $2500. Jail costs and surcharges can make this amount larger than $10,000.


Fines must be paid the day of the judges order. They will not offer a payment plan unless you can show you need one. Because of this, be prepared to show the court documentation that you need time to pay. Furthermore, you may be ordered to pay restitution to a victim. A judge can determine the financial toll taken on a victim and order that you pay them for the damages.


Following a trial, you can appeal a judges sentence against you. You have 15 days to do so.


Avondale City Court RulesDon’t sabotage your criminal case. Show up to court early. Don’t chew gum or make any distracting noises. Make sure that your cell phone is off. Do everything you can to obtain childcare. When you address the court say, “Your Honor.” When you approach the bench, do not lean on it. Try to stay as calm as possible, but do everything that you can to show the judge you are taking your matter seriously. As a result, make sure that you appear on time. If you represent yourself and your case is called and you are late, a warrant may issue for your arrest if you are not present. Make sure that you are dressed appropriately. As a result, do not wear hats or clothes that have inappropriate logos on them. Make sure to address the Avondale Municipal Court with deference and a respectful tone.

First, know that the Court in Avondale may not appoint a public defender if the prosecutor is not seeking jail time. As a result, if you are facing a lower level case, such as shoplifting or disorderly conduct, you may be in a position where you will appear in court without representation.

You always have the right to ask the Court in Avondale for more time to obtain a private attorney. But the Court may not be willing to grant you more time. Call us if you have any questions about a criminal case in Avondale. We offer a free consultation where we can explain to you how the court system works.

We look forward to the opportunity to help you. Let’s meet for a consult over the phone or in person. Call 602-989-5000 for more information.

Avondale City Court Address and Contact Info
Address: 11325 Civic Center Drive, Avondale, AZ 85323
Phone: (623) 333-5800



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