
Understanding Changes to Immigration Bonds Under the Laken Riley Act

Understanding Changes to Immigration Bonds Under the Laken Riley Act English Version: Recent changes in U.S. immigration law have significantly impacted how bonds are granted in immigration proceedings. The Laken Riley Act, passed by Congress and signed into law by the President, has introduced stricter criteria for bond eligibility. This law is raising concerns about […]

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Tempe Criminal Defense Attorney: 602-989-5000

Watch our video featuring Tempe Criminal Defense Attorney Nick Alcock, where he discusses strategies for defending criminal cases in Tempe, Arizona. Learn about his experience and commitment to achieving the best outcomes for his clients. Click to view and learn more!

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3 Essential Tips for Hiring the Best Personal Injury Attorney

If you’re being pressured—if someone is really pushing you to sign, pen in hand, and rushing you to commit—you should probably walk away. You’ve already been injured, you’re struggling, and maybe you’ve even lost your car. The last thing you need is an attorney who’s putting a lot of pressure on you to sign. Take […]

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Can You Get a DUI for Driving on Cold Medicine in Arizona?

In Arizona, DUI on cold medicine is a serious matter. Many people assume DUIs only involve alcohol, but Arizona law applies to any substance—legal or illegal—that impairs your ability to drive safely. This includes over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs, and other substances. Learn how DUI laws in Arizona may impact drivers taking legal medications. Understanding DUI […]

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Here are four DUI IN Phoenix, AZ questions our clients ask. 1. What constitutes a DUI offense in Arizona? In Arizona, a person can be charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) if they operate a vehicle with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. However, drivers can also face DUI charges with […]

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Divorce Statistics in Arizona: Trends, Facts, and Current Rates

When considering divorce, it’s essential to have a clear picture of the landscape. Arizona divorce statistics and trends offer a glimpse into the factors, rates, and demographics impacting marital dissolutions. Let’s take a look into the current divorce rate data and trends surrounding divorce in Arizona to help those going through a divorce better understand […]

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Suspended Sentence Explanation: What It Means and How It Works

Have you ever wondered what it truly means when a judge decides to suspend a sentence? It’s more than just legal jargon thrown around in courtrooms; it’s a decision that can shape the future of individuals within the criminal justice system. Understanding the concept of a suspended sentence is crucial, as it sheds light on […]

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Immigration Policy in Focus: Analyzing the Senate Border Security Bill

In the latest chapter of the ongoing saga surrounding immigration reform, the Senate recently grappled with a contentious piece of legislation known as the Border Security Bill, which aimed to enact sweeping reforms to border policy. But despite its ambitious goals, the bill faced staunch opposition and ultimately failed to pass in the Senate. The […]

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Right To Remain Silent

Should I Talk to the Police? The answer is a resounding NO. If you find yourself entangled in a criminal investigation, the best course of action is to avoid talking to the police. Speaking with the police in a criminal investigation is generally not advisable. Unless it involves immediate danger or a public emergency, it’s […]

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Understanding Inadmissibility in Immigration Hearings

Navigating the Maze of Immigration Inadmissibility Inadmissibility is a set of rules that decide who can’t enter or remain in the U.S. Think of it as a filter that screens out individuals based on specific criteria. Why Might Someone Be Inadmissible? Inadmissibility reasons vary, but here are some key ones: Criminal History: If someone has […]

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Fiancé Visa vs. Getting Married in the United States: Exploring Your Options

Let our Immigration Attorneys Help You today! Are you and your fiancé eager to start your life together in the United States? While the prospect of a dream wedding in the U.S. may seem appealing, there are essential factors to consider before making any hasty decisions. In this blog post, we’ll explore the advantages of […]

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Sealing a Case In Arizona: Clean your record!

QUESTIONS ABOUT SEALING (EXPUNGING) A CASE IN AZ? 602-989-5000 As we approach the New Year, many of us are reflecting on our past and setting resolutions for a fresh start. For those with a criminal record in Arizona, the new year brings a unique opportunity to turn over a new leaf by sealing their criminal […]

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Is It Worth Hiring a Lawyer for a Minor Accident?

Although it’s not always necessary to hire a car accident attorney in Arizona after a minor car accident, doing so can help cover your bases and provide options. Depending on how the accident happened, the extent of the vehicle damage, and any potential injuries, the situation may not be as minor as initially expected. It’s […]

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The Most Common Auto Accident Injuries

Car accidents happen all the time, wherever in the world you might be. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than one million people die in car crashes each year, while 20 to 50 million people suffer non-fatal injuries. While those who suffer injuries in a vehicular accident are generally considered to be more […]

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What Are Aggravated Felonies for Immigration?

Understanding Aggravated Felonies and Their Impact on Non-Citizens For non-citizens in the United States, understanding the intersection of criminal charges and immigration law is essential. The immigration system is complex, and its handling of criminal convictions can significantly impact an individual’s ability to remain in or return to the U.S. Aggravated felonies, in particular, carry […]

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Divorce in Arizona on rise due to Covid

Divorce rates are increasing across Arizona due to Covid Arizona has seen a marked impact of Covid on the divorce rate. There’s no question that the stress associated with the pandemic is driving more and more couples to revisit their matrimonial bonds. Unfortunately, as well, Covid 19 and the lockdowns have lead to an increase […]

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Free immigration lawyer consultations in Arizona

Our Immigration Lawyers Give Back: Do immigration attorneys offer free consultations in Phoenix?  The answer is yes! Our law firm has always offered a free consultation for any type of immigration case here in Arizona. I know that many attorneys do charge lots of money for consultations but we never have.  Here’s why. We believe […]

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How much does a lawyer charge for an assault case in AZ?

 How much money does an assault lawyer charge in Arizona?   For over 22 years our firm has handled many many thousands of assault cases in Arizona. We have represented clients in virtually every court in the state and we are happy to share some information about these cases. Know that if you would like […]

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Immigration and Injury Law: What Happens If An Undocumented Immigrant Sues for Personal Injury?

Any time law enforcement officials get involved in a situation, undocumented workers and immigrants without lawful status can become nervous. Many will avoid these situations, which means that if they are in an accident, they may flee the scene. If they are injured in an accident that wasn’t their fault, they may never file a […]

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Motorcycle Accident Attorney Announces Discounted Rates

Motorcycle Attorneys-Discounted Rates People who live in Arizona have a number of motorcycle accident attorneys to choose from. Our group of motorcycle accident lawyers bring a unique set of skills and abilities that can make a huge difference to you. Here are some questions to ask if you have been injured in a motorcycle accident […]

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lawyers for warrants

Bond Hearings in Arizona – Everything You Need To Know

How fast can someone get a bond hearing? What is taken into consideration in a bond proceeding? Read this before you attend immigration court. Having a family member or loved one with immigration can be very emotional. Oftentimes families and friends are confused and worried as to what the next steps would be after a […]

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Atty. Nicholas Alcock - How My Law Firm Started

How My Law Firm Started

Every law firm has a day one, a starting point. Lawyers call this moment, “hanging your shingle.” The origin of this strange phrase isn’t quite as unusual as you would think. Back in the 1800’s it was not uncommon for lawyers to use shingles as signs. A lawyer who opened a law practice would paint […]

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Divorce, a legal journey towards new beginnings.

How Fast Can I Get a Divorce in Arizona? And What Will it Cost?

Most people who are ready to file for divorce want the process to be over with as quickly as possible. The good news is that Arizona does have a fairly efficient process. The bad news is that divorce still usually takes a minimum of 90 to 120 days to be finalized. Divorce in Arizona – […]

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Broken Window Glass

Disorderly Conduct Class 1 Misdemeanor in Arizona

One of the first experiences that you have in law school is quite scary. Before the first class, you are told to read certain decisions from the past. The cases that the professors select are all designed to confuse the new students. They are also all selected to prove the point that the law itself […]

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The Complete Guide to Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

Everyone knows that we live in a litigious society these days. Not a minute goes by that a legal case is not being filed in a courtroom somewhere in the United States. Personal injury cases are among the more common lawsuits being filed by one person against another, and the amount of money that can […]

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Immigrant’s Rights

Immigrant’s Rights

Taking your first steps towards gaining U.S citizenship can seem like a monumental undertaking. There is much to do and learn and, if you are at the beginning of your journey, you may not even be sure of where to begin. The purpose of this article is to discuss the fundamentals of Immigrant’s Rights, as […]

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Legal advice, caution against self-incrimination.

Don’t Talk

The Constitution protects people from being forced to talk.  It’s that simple. The fact that you say you want to speak with an attorney cannot be used against you. So if you are confronted by the police and they ask to speak with you, you can always simply state that you want to speak with […]

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Legal Decision Making

Legal Decision Making

Navigating Custody in Arizona Custody in Arizona can be complex. It’s not as simple as which parent gets the kids. Child custody in Arizona is made up of two parts: legal decision-making authority and parenting time. In this blog post, I want to talk about what legal decision-making authority means and how parenting times works […]

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Miranda Rights

Miranda Rights

Miranda rights are one of the most important aspects of any criminal case. Under certain circumstances, if the police do not read you your rights prior to interrogation, any statement you make can be kept out of court (suppressed) – including a confession. Many clients believe their statements will automatically be suppressed if the police […]

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Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation

A lot of family law clients come to me feeling discouraged about their relationship with their kids. They feel their kids have been turned against them by the other parent. They feel like their individual relationship with their kids is being undermined. Unfortunately, we’ve seen this situation a lot at the firm, especially when it […]

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Atty. Nicholas Alcock - Dangerous Crimes in Arizona

Dangerous Crimes in Arizona

DANGEROUS CRIMES IN ARIZONA BY ATTORNEY NICK ALCOCK There are several types of crimes in Arizona that are grouped by classification. Some are considered domestic violence offenses or dangerous crimes against children. Some of the most serious offenses in Arizona are called dangerous offenses. If you have been charged with a dangerous offense, you have […]

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Domestic Violence - Order of Protection

Order of Protection

Order of Protection Attorney In Arizona We are focused on helping people who have suffered domestic violence. Our firm is committed to do whatever it takes to protect our clients. If you have been a victim of domestic violence within the past year, or believe you are in imminent danger of domestic violence, we can […]

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Filing bankruptcy without spouse, Arizona law.


Spouses typically apply for loans and credit cards jointly, in both of their names. This makes each of them contractually liable for the debt. But occasionally debt is taken out in only one spouse’s name during marriage. In these situations, the spouse named on the debt is contractually liable for the debt, and the other […]

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Bankruptcy exemptions, protecting assets during financial challenges.

What are Bankruptcy Exemptions?

Upon filing a petition for bankruptcy relief, nearly all property owned by the debtor becomes property of the bankruptcy estate.  Exemption laws, however, carve out protections for certain property.  There are exemption laws in each state, as well as federal bankruptcy exemptions.  These laws allow debtors to retain exempt property while still receiving a discharge […]

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Know Your Rights: When Is It Legal for Police to Frisk?

Any time you are detained by police it can be a very frightening and intimidating time.  Police will often ask or command you to do certain things but it can be confusing to know what your rights are and whether or not you actually have to do everything that they are saying.  One thing many […]

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Understanding Your Arizona Forgery Case

When you think of forgery you might immediately think of checks but a forgery charge in Arizona encompasses more than just forged checks.  While check forgery is the most common type of forgery, any document that has falsified or altered information for the purpose of deceiving others is considered forgery.  This means that a fake […]

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Understanding Your Extreme DUI Case in Arizona

In the state of Arizona, there are many different consequences if you are convicted of DUI. A DUI charge is not straightforward; there are many different types of DUI depending on factors such as blood alcohol level. Every year, Arizona has a huge number of DUI cases, may it be Regular DUI, Misdemeanor, or Aggravated […]

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Injured in a Rideshare in Arizona?  Now What?!  Hire an Attorney!

In today’s modern world, most people have used a rideshare app or service such as Uber or Left at some point.  And, for many people, it is used daily.  While it is convenient to take advantage of rideshare apps and services, it does not reduce your risk of being involved in a car accident.  If […]

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We Offer Innovative Immigration Solutions

Most people think of hiring an immigration attorney as a black or white proposition.  At our immigration law firm, we pride ourselves in thinking outside the box.  We look for innovative solutions to meet our clients needs.  But what does that mean? People oftentimes come to the office thinking that they are eligible for one […]

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What Does it Mean That There is No Fee in Your Personal Injury Case Unless We Recover for You?

It is the unfortunate reality that people are injured by no fault of their own every day.  If you have been injured as the result of someone else’s negligence or fault, you should not have to suffer in silence, foot all of your own bills, or experience lost wages because you cannot work as a […]

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What is the Difference Between Drug Possession and Drug Transportation & Sale?

Arizona law enforcement takes drug possession and drug transportation and sale very seriously.  Drugs flow rapidly over the border into Arizona so Arizona law is particularly harsh on drug transportation and sale which is why it is important to understand the difference between drug possession and drug transportation and sale.  If you are arrested and […]

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Phoenix Attorney Nick Alcock Discusses: Employee at Phoenix migrant children’s shelter charged with sexual abuse of a 14-year-old girl

By Phoenix Attorney Nick Alcock Much has been discussed about the Trump administration’s policy of separating families at the border.  But as an immigration attorney, I know that the detention facilities and shelters are not 100% safe for the migrant population.  We have had many clients assaulted or otherwise harmed while in detention facilities.  Obviously […]

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DUI attorney discusses THC DUIs

With the legalization of marijuana slowly taking shape across America, authorities are actively attempting to develop comprehensive policies to deal with drug DUI cases that involve THC.  THC is the active intoxicant found in marijuana.  Unlike alcohol, there isn’t a standardized test that law enforcement uses to determine if the driver is over the “legal […]

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How to Pursue a Wrongful Death Case in Arizona

What is “Wrongful Death”? If you or a loved one has experienced a loss as the result of negligence, you may be frustrated, heartbroken, and wondering what options you have.  Unfortunately, death is not always an “act of God” or just “someone’s time to go.”  If someone has been negligent and it resulted in the […]

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Getting a bond in a deportation case in Arizona

Deportation and Removal in Arizona Lots of people ask us about how the law works for deportation bond hearings in immigration cases.  If you or a loved one are facing deportation and have been taken into custody here are some basic concepts for you to know. Deportation is known as “removal.”  Anyone who is in […]

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Understanding the 6 Types of Criminal Damage

In the state of Arizona, there are many different criminal charges you can face and what the penalties for those charges are can be even more confusing.  If you have been arrested and charged with criminal damage it is not necessarily straightforward – you can be found guilty of criminal damage even if you engage […]

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What Happens When You Get Arrested for DUI in Arizona?

Getting arrested for driving while intoxicated in Arizona can be an overwhelming and confusing experience. It can be hard to know what to expect next and how to best protect yoursself. At Alcock & Associates, we have extensive experience defending clients against DUI charges and are here to provide you with the information and guidance […]

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What Happens in Weapons Charges Cases

The right to carry arms is a right that is legally protected under federal law but that does not mean that you cannot be accused of weapons charges or have your right to carry weapons revoked.  Misconduct involving weapons is a wide umbrella charge and that means that a person can be charged with it for […]

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Can You Get Jail Time for a DUI in Arizona?

Whether it is your first DUI charge or you have faced multiple charges, one of the primary concerns is, “Can you get jail time for a DUI?” The short answer is yes, but the extent and nature of the jail time can vary significantly based on several factors. Understanding DUI Charges in Arizona Driving under […]

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Understanding Burglary Charge in Arizona

When it comes to burglary charges in Arizona, there are three types.  While a simple burglary charge does not hold significant penalties, there are certain factors that can influence your burglary charges and make them more serious which means they carry more significant penalties.  It is important to understand what factors can influence your burglary […]

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What is a Criminal Damage Charge in Arizona?

There are many Arizona laws that seem pretty straightforward.  For example, pretty much everyone knows what they have done if they get charged with DUI.  People probably understand why they are being charged with a drug violation.  But what exactly constitutes criminal damage in Arizona and what are the penalties associated with such a charge? […]

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Understanding Arizona Attorney Fees

Anyone that is in need of legal representation would love to hire the best and most experienced lawyer.  But, many people are hesitant to hire an attorney because they fear they will not be able to afford the fees.  And, while this may be true of some Arizona attorneys, it is not true for all.  […]

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DUI Traffic Stop – What to Do If You Have Been Pulled Over

Under no circumstance do we advise that you drink and drive, but, if you are ever pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI), it is important to know your rights.  By knowing your rights you can choose the appropriate actions to protect yourself.  It can be terrifying to be pulled over by […]

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What is “Bad Faith Insurance”?

Have you submitted a legitimate claim to your insurance company, only to have it denied?  Are you left scratching your head, frustrated, wondering why they denied your legitimate claim and what you should do next? If so, you may have been the victim of bad faith insurance.  When you submit an insurance claim to your […]

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Should You Submit a Personal Injury Claim After a Dog Bite?

Nobody ever thinks they will be the victim of a dog bite but, unfortunately, they occur more often than most realize.  The American Veterinary Medical Association provides these startling statistics, “Each year, more than 4.5 million people in the U.S. are bitten by dogs. Almost 1 in 5 people bitten by dogs require medical attention.  […]

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Boating Injuries – When Fun Turns to Danger

Boating can be exciting, fun, relaxing, peaceful and many other things.  But, practicing boat safety is always important – no matter what kind of boat you are on or what your plans are for while you are on the water.  Unfortunately, boating accidents happen all the time and often someone suffers a boat injury as a […]

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What Exactly Is Felony Aggravated DUI

Driving under the influence is never a good idea and can result in injury or death.  If you have been arrested for DUI, it is important to obtain an attorney for assistance with your case.  There are many different types of DUI and understanding the legal implications of your specific case can be difficult.  It […]

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Get Help From An Attorney After a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle drivers can operate with the best safety practices and, unfortunately, they are still far more likely to be involved in an accident than other vehicles on the road.  The trouble is, if a motorcycle accident occurs, they are also more likely to suffer an injury or death since they do not have a vehicle […]

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Injured in a Trucking Accident? We Will Fight For Your Rights!

A trucking accident is frightening for many reasons.  These large commercial vehicles are significantly larger and weigh quite a bit more than the average passenger vehicle on the road.  Additionally, it takes much more distance for a commercial truck to stop than a passenger vehicle.  And, if a truck hits a passenger vehicle, it almost always […]

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Charged with Disorderly Conduct – What Next

Have you been charged with disorderly conduct or “disturbing the peace”? If so, you may be wondering what the best way is to fight the charges, how to proceed, and what the potential penalties are. Additionally, many people feel that they were not actually being disorderly and that they have been wrongfully charged. Explore the […]

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Deportation – How to Handle Cancellation of Removal Case

How to Get a Cancellation of Removal There are few things more stressful for an immigrant that facing deportation proceedings and potential removal.  Cancellation of removal is not simple or straightforward and it is highly recommended that you hire an experienced immigration attorney to assist you in deportation proceedings.  U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services describe […]

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DUI Attorney in Phoenix: How accurate is breath testing anyway? Posted by DUI Attorney Nick Alcock In Arizona, many people who are arrested for DUI offenses are asked to blow into an Intoxilyzer machine. It doesn’t seem necessary to point out that a person’s breath is different from a person’s blood. Obviously, then, this machine […]

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Attorney Nick Alcock discusses what can lead to a probation violation It is often the case that when someone is convicted of a crime, rather than sentence you to a jail sentence the judge will instead put you on probation, which is essentially the suspension of a jail sentence. If this is the case, consider […]

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Personal Injury Attorney Nick Alcock warns holiday motorists of the perils of holiday traffic. Car accident lawyer Nick Alcock states, “We see a huge jump in accident cases around December. It seems that drivers in the Phoenix Metro area get distracted and lose their focus. There are many more rear end impacts and drivers failing […]

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Jill Hastings: Hi, I’m Phoenix personal injury attorney Jill Hastings. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, and you’ve got questions but can’t find answers, call 602‑989‑5000. When you call our firm, you can schedule a free consultation over the phone with an attorney. We’ll take the time to answer any questions that you […]

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Posted by: Arizona Criminal Defense Attorneys   Phoenix Criminal Defense Lawyer Nick Alcock believes that a little bit of knowledge can help reduce a lot of stress when it comes to criminal charges. Facing felony charges in Superior Court can be frustrating and very confusing. Long lines, long wait times and few answers seem to […]

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Posted by: Criminal Attorneys at Alcock & Associates Criminal Defense Lawyer Nick Alcock has represented thousands of people charged with criminal offenses throughout Arizona. He says, “One constant issue is the mental health of my clients. I have seen virtually every psychiatric condition, and I have seen how the criminal system struggles with their treatment. […]

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Phoenix Accident Attorney Nick Alcock has some concrete advice for those about to give a recorded statement to an insurance company. Recorded statements are usually telephone interviews conducted by the insurance company after a car crash. Insurance adjusters look to see if there are any issues in the crash that can allow them to deny […]

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Posted by: Phoenix Arizona Criminal Defense Lawyers Phoenix criminal defense law firm Alcock & Associates announces a free service to the public. For anyone charged with a crime in Arizona, the firm will review police reports and assess the strength of the government’s case. This service is available to anyone. Criminal defense lawyer Nick Alcock […]

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Posted by: Criminal Defense Attorneys at Alcock & Associates Criminal Defense lawyer Nick Alcock knows that getting a lenient plea offer from the Maricopa County Attorneys Office is no easy task. Over the years, plea offers have gotten more and more strict. Problem is, people get quite confused about how plea offers are made and […]

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Phoenix personal injury lawyer Nick Alcock has one piece of advice for those filing an insurance claim. Document everything. “I can’t tell you how many people come to my office months after an auto accident with no records whatsoever. It is very troubling because good people wind up getting shortchanged when it comes time to […]

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A 25-year-old man, identified as Osvaldo Ayala, was fatally injured in a car crash that took place on West Indian School Road early Sunday morning, Phoenix police said. The accident also left five others injured, however Ayala was the only fatality. Phoenix police are now confirming that impairment was indeed a factor in the crash. […]

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Criminal Defense Attorney Nick Alcock explains how felony presentence reports work in Maricopa County Arizona. For more information click on .

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Defense Attorney Nick Alcock discusses what are the Different Types of Robbery Crimes in Arizona A person commits robbery in Arizona if in the course of taking any property of another from his person or immediate presence and against his will, such person threatens or uses force against any person with intent either to coerce […]

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DUI Attorney explains jail time for repeat offenders. If you have previously been arrested for a DUI in Arizona, a second offense can mean big increases in jail time and fines. Arizona law allows the government to use a misdemeanor DUI prior that is 7 years old. The state uses the date of offense as […]

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Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense in Arizona, and understanding the potential consequences, especially jail time, can be confusing due to the complex and constantly evolving nature of DUI laws. If you or a loved one are facing a DUI charge, it’s essential to grasp how different factors can affect sentencing. In […]

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Posted By DUI Attorney Nick Alcock If you are pulled over for a DUI offense, what should you do? Should you complete field sobriety tests, but refuse breath or blood tests? What happens if you tell a police officer that you want to speak with a DUI lawyer? The answers might surprise you. Phoenix DUI […]

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Attorney Nick Alcock discusses what you should know about Arizona’s zero tolerance Meth for sale policy. Any drug charge is, of course, a very serious matter in Arizona. But drug charges involving methamphetamine are particularly severe in the state of Arizona. Fortunately, Arizona has more liberal policies regarding the simple possession of methamphetamine. However, when […]

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Supreme Courts New Plea Bargain Standards

Criminal Defense Attorney: Supreme Court Lays Out New Plea Bargain Standards Supreme Court This Wednesday a divided bench issued new standards for plea bargains in criminal cases, saying that criminal defense attorneys need to competently advise and inform clients of prosecution’s offers for less jail time for convictions and guilty plea bargain offers. Justice Antonin […]

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Personal Injury Attorney Nick Alcock always wants to make sure that his clients fully understand exactly how contingency fees work. He wants to make sure that they understand contingency fees before starting their case, and not after. “So many of my clients have told me about negative experiences they had with prior accident cases. They […]

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What It Means if Your Case Is ‘Scratched’

Posted by: Defense lawyers at Alcock & Associates Phoenix criminal defense attorney Nick Alcock often fields the question, “What does it mean that my felony case was scratched?”   There are a number things that can happen when you are charged with a felony. First, unlike a lower level misdemeanor offense, prosecutors have years to […]

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Az criminal defense attorney Nick Alcock discusses what you should consider if a police officer asks to search your home. For more information or to speak with a criminal defense attorney in AZ, call 602-989-5000 or click on

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Understanding DUI Blood Tests and DUI Arrest in Arizona

Between 2015 and 2019, Arizona recorded between 26,082 and 27,799 DUI arrests each year. A key component of these arrests is the DUI blood test, which is essential for determining if a driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This test measures the blood alcohol content (BAC) and can also detect drugs in […]

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Posted by: the Phoenix Immigration Lawyers at Alcock & Associates   latest-state-to-pass-anti-immigration-bill   Immigration attorneys and activists alike scratch their heads as yet another contoversial immigration bill is about to be passed. Like Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana and South Carolina, this current iteration of anti-immigration legislation is set to come through from the South, a […]

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Posted by Immigration Attorneys at Alcock & Associates. About 100 protesters gathered Friday afternoon outside the offices of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, to protest the death of Ernest Atencio at Arpaio’s 4th Avenue Jail in Phoenix, Arizona. This latest protest was convened by the PUENTE Movement, an Arizona-based immigrant rights group, in the wake […]

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Criminal Defense Attorney Nick Alcock on Loughner Case Despite his criminal defense attorney’s fight to resist medical treatment, Jared Lee Loughner continues to be forcibly medicated to make him psychologically fit to stand trial for the Tucson shooting rampage that occurred just over a year ago. Loughner’s case was put on hold indefinitely when psychologists […]

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Posted by DUI attorney Nick Alcock, Phoenix Arizona Rima Fakih’s reign as Miss USA was described as a victory for diversity. Supporters classified her win, the first for an Arab-American, as a progressive step towards countering negative stereotypes about people of Middle Eastern descent. But now the former Miss USA is facing a trial involving […]

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DUI Attorney Nick Alcock Quick update on a post I put up some time ago. The City of Phoenix currently is not sentencing people retroactively for DUI offenses. This means that if you were arrested for an extreme DUI or a super extreme DUI last year, you can’t take advantage of the new sentencing laws. […]

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Phoenix Attorney Jobs: 5 tips to get hired now. Nicholas Alcock, Attorney at Law January 9, 2012 Every day I get a resume from a law school student. I think that career services gives them all the same letter and they copy/paste it onto their home address letterhead. It reads, in part, “I look forward […]

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Personal Injury Attorneys–do you really need one? We’ve all seen the crazy T.V. ads and billboards. Everywhere you turn there are lawyers advertising for personal injury and auto accident cases. It’s a bit overwhelming. If you have been involved in an auto accident it is completely understandable that you would have some doubt about hiring […]

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Attorney Nick Alcock discusses how DUI priors affect sentencing If you already have prior DUI conviction(s) on your record, you may be interested to know what kinds of penalties await you if you get caught drinking and driving again. Generally, states view repeat DUI offenders in a very unfavorable light, which is reflected in the […]

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DUI attorneys at Alcock & Associates DUI Attorney says texting while driving as bad as DUI: We agree. KTAR is reporting that other DUI attorneys in Phoenix are speaking out about the dangers of texting while driving. We agree wholeheartedly. What we know about impaired driving tells us that texting while behind the wheel may […]

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How to Improve Your Chances of Getting DUI Reduced to Reckless Driving in Arizona

Life can take unexpected turns, and sometimes, a single mistake can have serious consequences. If you’re dealing with a DUI charge in Arizona, you’re probably feeling overwhelmed, scared, and uncertain about your future. You’re not alone. Many people have been in your shoes, and there is a way to potentially reduce the severity of the […]

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Posted by: Phoenix Arizona DUI Lawyers at Alcock & Associates Phoenix DUI Attorney Nick Alcock knows one thing about tent city. People hate it. The City of Scottsdale offers a program whereby people serving sentences of 48 hours or less can choose their jail over the tents. There are some decided advantages to Scottsdale. The […]

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watch?v=f1JtF4O4iWQ Here’s a video about what to do if you are pulled over for DUI in Arizona. Ideally, get a cab. But if you find yourself in a bad situation, bear in mind that you can always ask to speak with a DUI attorney. Asking to speak with a DUI lawyer effectively shuts down […]

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Three tips on finding the right attorney in Phoenix I’m happy to say that at this point in my life, I don’t need to hire an attorney. The prospect of trying to find the right one is very intimidating and frustrating. I generally would be concerned that the lawyer would charge me too much and […]

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As a Phoenix DUI Attorney with over a decade of experience, I am asked by many people, “what do you really do for people charged with a DUI offense?” It is a completely valid question. I have met with many people who previously were arrested for a DUI case. They hired another attorney and felt […]

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Posted by Phoenix Criminal Defense Attorney Nick Alcock: Perhaps you’ve heard the term “suspended sentence” a few times. You may even be curious about what that actually means. Suspending a sentence essentially means the jail or prison term is stopped. The defendant will not be incarcerated right away. While sentencing laws do vary depending on […]

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Phoenix personal injury attorney Nick Alcock lists the top five mistakes that people make when handling automobile accident insurance claims. /’ve all seen the insurance ads where wrecked cars get magically fixed. Unfortunately, some insurance companies don’t work as quickly or effectively as you would hope. The claim process can be absolutely exhausting. For years, […]

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Attorney Nick Alcock discusses defending yourself against theft charges in AZ Theft in Arizona is governed by Arizona Revised Statute Section 13-1802. Theft charges can range from something relatively minor like a teen caught shoplifting a pack of cigarettes to major white-collar crimes like insurance fraud or embezzlement. The one thing all types of theft […]

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How Sentencing Works: An Overview of the Sentencing Guidelines in Arizona

As a criminal defense attorney, I often get questions about how sentencing works in Arizona. Most people are surprised by my answers. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the sentencing guidelines in Arizona. However, note that every court in Arizona operates differently. What Happens at a Sentencing? Sentencing is a crucial […]

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By Personal Injury Attorney Jill Hastings Personal injury claims are becoming more frequent as are the accidents that cause them, with more of us pursuing compensation due to the actions of other people. On any given day, there are an exceedingly prevalent number of automobile accidents in Phoenix, Arizona, and rear end collisions are a […]

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Posted by DUI Attorney Nick Alcock CARLSBAD, N.M. — Carlsbad Lawyer Shawn Lunsford recently was relieved of his law license by the New Mexico Supreme Court. Why? Because without any advance notice he simply closed up shop. His clients were left completely in the dark. As a result, the attorney lost his ability to practice […]

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Posted by Phoenix DUI Attorney Nick Alcock: It’s the middle of August and, for the majority of you, school is back in session. This can be a very exciting point in your life, especially if you are heading off to college for the first time. No longer under the constant watch and constraints of a […]

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Sentencing Guidelines for Drug Offenses Not Always Fair

There’s been considerable debate about the topic of how those convicted of drug charges are ultimately sentenced. This is especially true given that the United States is the only developed country that requires mandatory sentencing for minor, non-violent drug offenses. Shortly after President Ronald Reagan’s 1986 “War on Drugs” declaration, Congress enacted mandatory sentencing guidelines […]

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Posted by Phoenix Immigration Attorney Nick Alcock: Those long-awaited work permits that young illegal immigrants can begin applying for are just around the corner. That’s right, beginning next Wednesday so many of the young people previously limited to jobs that do not require proof of citizenship or a work permit will finally be eligible for […]

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NOTE: The GOP’s hard line stance on immigration issues, including its local support of the highly polarizing SB 1070 Arizona anti-immigration bill, is seemingly driving a wedge between the political groups Latino base and party leaders, forcing a decision- support anti-immigration legislation at the risk of polarizing Latino support within the party- or fight such […]

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At Alcock & Associates each lawyer is dedicated to providing the highest level of customer service. When you come to our office the first time, you will see that there are no high pressure sales pitches. Our goal is to help you bring your life back to normal as quickly as possible. Call for a […]

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All vendors that serve alcohol have an obligation to do so in a responsible manner. Liability does not necessarily end when topping off a guest or patron’s cup with alcohol or closing out their tab. When a bartender, business employee or even a social host serves alcohol in excess to a patron who then causes […]

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How Much Does a Marijuana Attorney Charge?

Attorney Nick Alcock discusses how much a marijuana attorney should cost. Marijuana offenses are among the most common of all drug offenses in Arizona. Marijuana offenses are viewed by the public as a fairly minor crime. However, a marijuana charge is still considered by law enforcement to be a serious criminal offense. Like any criminal […]

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DUIs can be incredibly costly. The problem is, most people don’t know exactly how much they will have to pay until it is too late. As a DUI attorney, I often speak with people who tell me about a negative experience they had in the past. They were arrested for DUI, took a plea without […]

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How Does Work Release Work in Arizona: Criminal Defense Attorneys Explain

Clients frequently ask criminal defense attorneys if they can be released from jail to continue working. Work release programs, typically available for those jailed for misdemeanors like DUI, allow inmates to work during the day and return to jail afterward. However, felons generally do not qualify for Work Release but might be eligible for Work […]

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Phoenix Lawyer Representing Maricopa County Attorney Thomas will Remain on Case

Posted by: Nick Alcock, Attorney at Law, for the Criminal Lawyers at Alcock & Associates PHOENIX — The lawyer representing former Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas in attorney-discipline case has decided to continue representing the former prosecutor. Thomas’ attorney, Don Wilson, had asked a judge to let him withdraw from the case because he said […]

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How Much Should I Pay For a Drug Possession Case in Arizona?

Posted by Phoenix Drug Possession Attorney Nick Alcock: This is a very common question I receive from clients throughout the valley. The first thing you need to do if you are facing a drug possession charge in Arizona is consult with an attorney. If you are not happy or just don’t feel comfortable with the […]

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Do Tattoos Affect Immigration Chances? Here’s What You Need to Know

Tattoos have become a popular form of self-expression. However, when it comes to immigration,  can cause unexpected problems. Some tattoos can actually affect your chances of getting a green card in the United States. Let’s dive into the topic “how do tattoos affect immigration” and learn why these two are more connected than you might […]

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Tips on what to do if injured in an automobile accident

Injury Attorney Nick Alcock discusses how to handle an insurance claim. If you’ve been involved in a car accident involving another automobile and sustained even minor injuries this blog is for you. There are a number of very important steps you will want to take. The first thing to do is to contact the police […]

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What Happens in Court During First DUI Appearance?

Getting pulled over for a DUI can be a nerve-wracking experience. You’re probably anxious about what happens next if it’s your first offense.  Your first court appearance for DUI can be very intimidating, but learning more about it can ease your fears. This article will guide you through the process of your first court appearance […]

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Tempe City Court Location and Tips from Attorney Nick Alcock

Where is Tempe Municipal Court located? The Tempe Municipal Court location is 140 E. 5th Street in downtown Tempe, just two blocks East of Mill Avenue on Fifth Street between the Tempe Mission Palms Hotel and the A.S.U. Sun Devil football stadium. As a DUI Attorney, I can say that I enjoy working in this […]

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Phoenix Municipal Court Location and How The Court Works

Where is Phoenix Municipal Court located? The Phoenix Municipal Court location is 300 W. Washington Street in the heart of downtown Phoenix. Because it is critical that you arrive in plenty of time for your court appearance it is highly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the specific directions to ensure the most efficient means […]

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No Refusal Police Policies are Abusive: DUI Attorneys

In Maricopa County, if you are pulled over for a DUI, you have the right to refuse a blood or breath test. If the police have probable cause, they can call a magistrate and ask for a warrant to pull blood. However, we are starting to see a new trend across the nation. The trend–“no […]

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Bond Redetermination Hearings

Criminal to Immigration Custody: After an arrest has been made and it has been determined that the defendant does not have legal status, or in some cases, after a legal permanent resident has been referred to ICE because they have committed a certain type of crime that triggers their immigration status, ICE will take custody […]

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Criminal Defense Attorney Nick Alcock on Criminal Procedure and “Reasonable Doubt”

Criminal Lawyer Blog Posted by: Phoenix Arizona Criminal Defense Attorney Nick Alcock This is a bizarre case. A jury decided that they hadn’t heard enough argument, so they asked the judge to allow the criminal defense attorney and prosecutor another 5 minutes to try to convince them. I have never heard of such a thing, […]

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