
Suspended Sentence Explanation: What It Means and How It Works

Have you ever wondered what it truly means when a judge decides to suspend a sentence? It’s more than just legal jargon thrown around in courtrooms; it’s a decision that can shape the future of individuals within the criminal justice system. Understanding the concept of a suspended sentence is crucial, as it sheds light on […]

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Atty. Nicholas Alcock - How My Law Firm Started

How My Law Firm Started

Every law firm has a day one, a starting point. Lawyers call this moment, “hanging your shingle.” The origin of this strange phrase isn’t quite as unusual as you would think. Back in the 1800’s it was not uncommon for lawyers to use shingles as signs. A lawyer who opened a law practice would paint […]

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Bankruptcy exemptions, protecting assets during financial challenges.

What are Bankruptcy Exemptions?

Upon filing a petition for bankruptcy relief, nearly all property owned by the debtor becomes property of the bankruptcy estate.  Exemption laws, however, carve out protections for certain property.  There are exemption laws in each state, as well as federal bankruptcy exemptions.  These laws allow debtors to retain exempt property while still receiving a discharge […]

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Filing bankruptcy without spouse, Arizona law.


Spouses typically apply for loans and credit cards jointly, in both of their names. This makes each of them contractually liable for the debt. But occasionally debt is taken out in only one spouse’s name during marriage. In these situations, the spouse named on the debt is contractually liable for the debt, and the other […]

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Domestic Violence - Order of Protection

Order of Protection

Order of Protection Attorney In Arizona We are focused on helping people who have suffered domestic violence. Our firm is committed to do whatever it takes to protect our clients. If you have been a victim of domestic violence within the past year, or believe you are in imminent danger of domestic violence, we can […]

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Atty. Nicholas Alcock - Dangerous Crimes in Arizona

Dangerous Crimes in Arizona

DANGEROUS CRIMES IN ARIZONA BY ATTORNEY NICK ALCOCK There are several types of crimes in Arizona that are grouped by classification. Some are considered domestic violence offenses or dangerous crimes against children. Some of the most serious offenses in Arizona are called dangerous offenses. If you have been charged with a dangerous offense, you have […]

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Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation

A lot of family law clients come to me feeling discouraged about their relationship with their kids. They feel their kids have been turned against them by the other parent. They feel like their individual relationship with their kids is being undermined. Unfortunately, we’ve seen this situation a lot at the firm, especially when it […]

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Miranda Rights

Miranda Rights

Miranda rights are one of the most important aspects of any criminal case. Under certain circumstances, if the police do not read you your rights prior to interrogation, any statement you make can be kept out of court (suppressed) – including a confession. Many clients believe their statements will automatically be suppressed if the police […]

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Legal Decision Making

Legal Decision Making

Navigating Custody in Arizona Custody in Arizona can be complex. It’s not as simple as which parent gets the kids. Child custody in Arizona is made up of two parts: legal decision-making authority and parenting time. In this blog post, I want to talk about what legal decision-making authority means and how parenting times works […]

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Legal advice, caution against self-incrimination.

Don’t Talk

The Constitution protects people from being forced to talk.  It’s that simple. The fact that you say you want to speak with an attorney cannot be used against you. So if you are confronted by the police and they ask to speak with you, you can always simply state that you want to speak with […]

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What is the Difference Between Drug Possession and Drug Transportation & Sale?

Arizona law enforcement takes drug possession and drug transportation and sale very seriously.  Drugs flow rapidly over the border into Arizona so Arizona law is particularly harsh on drug transportation and sale which is why it is important to understand the difference between drug possession and drug transportation and sale.  If you are arrested and […]

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Know Your Rights: When Is It Legal for Police to Frisk?

Any time you are detained by police it can be a very frightening and intimidating time.  Police will often ask or command you to do certain things but it can be confusing to know what your rights are and whether or not you actually have to do everything that they are saying.  One thing many […]

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Understanding Your Arizona Forgery Case

When you think of forgery you might immediately think of checks but a forgery charge in Arizona encompasses more than just forged checks.  While check forgery is the most common type of forgery, any document that has falsified or altered information for the purpose of deceiving others is considered forgery.  This means that a fake […]

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Injured in a Rideshare in Arizona?  Now What?!  Hire an Attorney!

In today’s modern world, most people have used a rideshare app or service such as Uber or Left at some point.  And, for many people, it is used daily.  While it is convenient to take advantage of rideshare apps and services, it does not reduce your risk of being involved in a car accident.  If […]

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Phoenix Attorney Nick Alcock Discusses: Employee at Phoenix migrant children’s shelter charged with sexual abuse of a 14-year-old girl

By Phoenix Attorney Nick Alcock Much has been discussed about the Trump administration’s policy of separating families at the border.  But as an immigration attorney, I know that the detention facilities and shelters are not 100% safe for the migrant population.  We have had many clients assaulted or otherwise harmed while in detention facilities.  Obviously […]

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Understanding Arizona Attorney Fees

Anyone that is in need of legal representation would love to hire the best and most experienced lawyer.  But, many people are hesitant to hire an attorney because they fear they will not be able to afford the fees.  And, while this may be true of some Arizona attorneys, it is not true for all.  […]

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Understanding Burglary Charge in Arizona

When it comes to burglary charges in Arizona, there are three types.  While a simple burglary charge does not hold significant penalties, there are certain factors that can influence your burglary charges and make them more serious which means they carry more significant penalties.  It is important to understand what factors can influence your burglary […]

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What Happens in Weapons Charges Cases

The right to carry arms is a right that is legally protected under federal law but that does not mean that you cannot be accused of weapons charges or have your right to carry weapons revoked.  Misconduct involving weapons is a wide umbrella charge and that means that a person can be charged with it for […]

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How to Pursue a Wrongful Death Case in Arizona

What is “Wrongful Death”? If you or a loved one has experienced a loss as the result of negligence, you may be frustrated, heartbroken, and wondering what options you have.  Unfortunately, death is not always an “act of God” or just “someone’s time to go.”  If someone has been negligent and it resulted in the […]

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Injured in a Trucking Accident? We Will Fight For Your Rights!

A trucking accident is frightening for many reasons.  These large commercial vehicles are significantly larger and weigh quite a bit more than the average passenger vehicle on the road.  Additionally, it takes much more distance for a commercial truck to stop than a passenger vehicle.  And, if a truck hits a passenger vehicle, it almost always […]

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Get Help From An Attorney After a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle drivers can operate with the best safety practices and, unfortunately, they are still far more likely to be involved in an accident than other vehicles on the road.  The trouble is, if a motorcycle accident occurs, they are also more likely to suffer an injury or death since they do not have a vehicle […]

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Boating Injuries – When Fun Turns to Danger

Boating can be exciting, fun, relaxing, peaceful and many other things.  But, practicing boat safety is always important – no matter what kind of boat you are on or what your plans are for while you are on the water.  Unfortunately, boating accidents happen all the time and often someone suffers a boat injury as a […]

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What is “Bad Faith Insurance”?

Have you submitted a legitimate claim to your insurance company, only to have it denied?  Are you left scratching your head, frustrated, wondering why they denied your legitimate claim and what you should do next? If so, you may have been the victim of bad faith insurance.  When you submit an insurance claim to your […]

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Attorney Nick Alcock discusses what can lead to a probation violation It is often the case that when someone is convicted of a crime, rather than sentence you to a jail sentence the judge will instead put you on probation, which is essentially the suspension of a jail sentence. If this is the case, consider […]

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A 25-year-old man, identified as Osvaldo Ayala, was fatally injured in a car crash that took place on West Indian School Road early Sunday morning, Phoenix police said. The accident also left five others injured, however Ayala was the only fatality. Phoenix police are now confirming that impairment was indeed a factor in the crash. […]

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Posted by: Criminal Defense Attorneys at Alcock & Associates Criminal Defense lawyer Nick Alcock knows that getting a lenient plea offer from the Maricopa County Attorneys Office is no easy task. Over the years, plea offers have gotten more and more strict. Problem is, people get quite confused about how plea offers are made and […]

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Phoenix Accident Attorney Nick Alcock has some concrete advice for those about to give a recorded statement to an insurance company. Recorded statements are usually telephone interviews conducted by the insurance company after a car crash. Insurance adjusters look to see if there are any issues in the crash that can allow them to deny […]

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Posted by: Criminal Attorneys at Alcock & Associates Criminal Defense Lawyer Nick Alcock has represented thousands of people charged with criminal offenses throughout Arizona. He says, “One constant issue is the mental health of my clients. I have seen virtually every psychiatric condition, and I have seen how the criminal system struggles with their treatment. […]

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Posted by: Arizona Criminal Defense Attorneys   Phoenix Criminal Defense Lawyer Nick Alcock believes that a little bit of knowledge can help reduce a lot of stress when it comes to criminal charges. Facing felony charges in Superior Court can be frustrating and very confusing. Long lines, long wait times and few answers seem to […]

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Defense Attorney Nick Alcock discusses what are the Different Types of Robbery Crimes in Arizona A person commits robbery in Arizona if in the course of taking any property of another from his person or immediate presence and against his will, such person threatens or uses force against any person with intent either to coerce […]

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What It Means if Your Case Is ‘Scratched’

Posted by: Defense lawyers at Alcock & Associates Phoenix criminal defense attorney Nick Alcock often fields the question, “What does it mean that my felony case was scratched?”   There are a number things that can happen when you are charged with a felony. First, unlike a lower level misdemeanor offense, prosecutors have years to […]

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Supreme Courts New Plea Bargain Standards

Criminal Defense Attorney: Supreme Court Lays Out New Plea Bargain Standards Supreme Court This Wednesday a divided bench issued new standards for plea bargains in criminal cases, saying that criminal defense attorneys need to competently advise and inform clients of prosecution’s offers for less jail time for convictions and guilty plea bargain offers. Justice Antonin […]

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Attorney Nick Alcock discusses what you should know about Arizona’s zero tolerance Meth for sale policy. Any drug charge is, of course, a very serious matter in Arizona. But drug charges involving methamphetamine are particularly severe in the state of Arizona. Fortunately, Arizona has more liberal policies regarding the simple possession of methamphetamine. However, when […]

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Phoenix Attorney Jobs: 5 tips to get hired now. Nicholas Alcock, Attorney at Law January 9, 2012 Every day I get a resume from a law school student. I think that career services gives them all the same letter and they copy/paste it onto their home address letterhead. It reads, in part, “I look forward […]

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Three tips on finding the right attorney in Phoenix I’m happy to say that at this point in my life, I don’t need to hire an attorney. The prospect of trying to find the right one is very intimidating and frustrating. I generally would be concerned that the lawyer would charge me too much and […]

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Phoenix personal injury attorney Nick Alcock lists the top five mistakes that people make when handling automobile accident insurance claims. /’ve all seen the insurance ads where wrecked cars get magically fixed. Unfortunately, some insurance companies don’t work as quickly or effectively as you would hope. The claim process can be absolutely exhausting. For years, […]

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Posted by Phoenix Criminal Defense Attorney Nick Alcock: Perhaps you’ve heard the term “suspended sentence” a few times. You may even be curious about what that actually means. Suspending a sentence essentially means the jail or prison term is stopped. The defendant will not be incarcerated right away. While sentencing laws do vary depending on […]

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Attorney Nick Alcock discusses defending yourself against theft charges in AZ Theft in Arizona is governed by Arizona Revised Statute Section 13-1802. Theft charges can range from something relatively minor like a teen caught shoplifting a pack of cigarettes to major white-collar crimes like insurance fraud or embezzlement. The one thing all types of theft […]

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How Much Does a Marijuana Attorney Charge?

Attorney Nick Alcock discusses how much a marijuana attorney should cost. Marijuana offenses are among the most common of all drug offenses in Arizona. Marijuana offenses are viewed by the public as a fairly minor crime. However, a marijuana charge is still considered by law enforcement to be a serious criminal offense. Like any criminal […]

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All vendors that serve alcohol have an obligation to do so in a responsible manner. Liability does not necessarily end when topping off a guest or patron’s cup with alcohol or closing out their tab. When a bartender, business employee or even a social host serves alcohol in excess to a patron who then causes […]

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Sentencing Guidelines for Drug Offenses Not Always Fair

There’s been considerable debate about the topic of how those convicted of drug charges are ultimately sentenced. This is especially true given that the United States is the only developed country that requires mandatory sentencing for minor, non-violent drug offenses. Shortly after President Ronald Reagan’s 1986 “War on Drugs” declaration, Congress enacted mandatory sentencing guidelines […]

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Posted by Phoenix DUI Attorney Nick Alcock: It’s the middle of August and, for the majority of you, school is back in session. This can be a very exciting point in your life, especially if you are heading off to college for the first time. No longer under the constant watch and constraints of a […]

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Tips on what to do if injured in an automobile accident

Injury Attorney Nick Alcock discusses how to handle an insurance claim. If you’ve been involved in a car accident involving another automobile and sustained even minor injuries this blog is for you. There are a number of very important steps you will want to take. The first thing to do is to contact the police […]

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Do Tattoos Affect Immigration Chances? Here’s What You Need to Know

Tattoos have become a popular form of self-expression. However, when it comes to immigration,  can cause unexpected problems. Some tattoos can actually affect your chances of getting a green card in the United States. Let’s dive into the topic “how do tattoos affect immigration” and learn why these two are more connected than you might […]

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How Much Should I Pay For a Drug Possession Case in Arizona?

Posted by Phoenix Drug Possession Attorney Nick Alcock: This is a very common question I receive from clients throughout the valley. The first thing you need to do if you are facing a drug possession charge in Arizona is consult with an attorney. If you are not happy or just don’t feel comfortable with the […]

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Phoenix Lawyer Representing Maricopa County Attorney Thomas will Remain on Case

Posted by: Nick Alcock, Attorney at Law, for the Criminal Lawyers at Alcock & Associates PHOENIX — The lawyer representing former Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas in attorney-discipline case has decided to continue representing the former prosecutor. Thomas’ attorney, Don Wilson, had asked a judge to let him withdraw from the case because he said […]

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Phoenix Municipal Court Location and How The Court Works

Where is Phoenix Municipal Court located? The Phoenix Municipal Court location is 300 W. Washington Street in the heart of downtown Phoenix. Because it is critical that you arrive in plenty of time for your court appearance it is highly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the specific directions to ensure the most efficient means […]

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Tempe City Court Location and Tips from Attorney Nick Alcock

Where is Tempe Municipal Court located? The Tempe Municipal Court location is 140 E. 5th Street in downtown Tempe, just two blocks East of Mill Avenue on Fifth Street between the Tempe Mission Palms Hotel and the A.S.U. Sun Devil football stadium. As a DUI Attorney, I can say that I enjoy working in this […]

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Bond Redetermination Hearings

Criminal to Immigration Custody: After an arrest has been made and it has been determined that the defendant does not have legal status, or in some cases, after a legal permanent resident has been referred to ICE because they have committed a certain type of crime that triggers their immigration status, ICE will take custody […]

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2 North Central Avenue, 26th Floor
Phoenix AZ 85004