2 North Central Avenue #2600
(26th Floor)
Phoenix AZ 85004
2345 East Thomas Road #100b
Phoenix AZ 85004
If you need legal help, you can call our experienced attorneys who know the system. Please feel free to call any time for a free consultation. We will take the time to listen to your concerns and offer concrete solutions. We handle cases in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Tempe, Glendale and all of Maricopa County. Our attorneys are licensed to practice throughout the State of Arizona and we have handled cases in every county and virtually every court.
We also offer free in-home consultations for auto accident and personal injury cases. For personal injury cases, there is never any fee unless we recover for you. We can travel to your hospital room, rehabilitation center or home at a time of your choosing.
Please feel free to call. There will never be any pressure placed on you to hire our services. Everything that you share with us is confidential and we will be as sensitive to your privacy.
Give our attorneys a call today and let us get to work for you. All information provided by clients to the firm is completely confidential. You will be able to have an attorney review your charges, and advise you of the legal process that you face. Give us a call to find out for yourself how we can make a difference.
Alcock & Associates P.C.
2 North Central Avenue, 26th Floor
Phoenix AZ 85004