
How much does a lawyer charge for an assault case in AZ?

How much money does an assault lawyer charge in Arizona?   For over 22 years our firm has handled many many thousands of assault cases in Arizona. We have represented clients in virtually every court in the state and we are happy to share some information about these cases. Know that if you would like a free consultation and quote, it’s as simple as calling us to obtain much more information.

Assault is divided into a number of different categories.  The lowest category for assault is a misdemeanor assault. This is a touching with the intent to injure insult or provoke. This type of assault is most commonly associated with a shoving match or another type of fight that did not result in serious injuries or involve a domestic partner. If you’re charged with assault that type of assault please don’t confuse that with a felony assault. Many times people will go online and get scared because they see the punishment for a felony assault when they are actually charged with a misdemeanor. A felony assault is the type of charge where you’re facing prison time and for most misdemeanor cases, people avoid jail altogether.

A misdemeanor assault case can see attorney fees ranging from $2000 to $4000. This, again, is for the lowest level of assault cases.  If you are charged with a domestic violence offense, the fees can increase rapidly.  What makes an assault case a domestic violence offense? If the allege victim is related to you, or you have a domestic relationship, your assault case can be charged as a domestic violence offense. These assault cases have more serious consequences and can lead to jail time and the loss of your second amendment rights to bear arms. Expect lawyers to charge more when you are facing a domestic violence offense.

The consequences for assault case much much more serious when your case is charged as a  felony. Felony assault is charged for a variety of different reasons. Was there a serious physical injury? Is the victim in law enforcement or a first responder? Was a dangerous instrument, such as a gun or a knife used? Is there an allegation that the victim’s airway was obstructed in any way? These are the factors that prosecutors will look to when charging assault cases as felonies.

To give you an idea of the seriousness of an aggravated assault dangerous charges carry a range of 5 to 15 years in prison. Many lawyers request fees well north of $10,000 for this type of case. The reason for this is due to the fact that felony cases in Superior Court are very time consuming and lengthy processes. It can take a lawyer well over a year to resolve a felony aggravated assault case in Arizona.

Some Tips:

Get multiple estimates: You right to speak with numerous different attorneys and you have the right to obtain different quotes. There is no harm in calling and asking.

Make sure that the quote covers the entire case: However, make sure that when an attorney is charging you a fee that you know what the ultimate fee is going to be. Many lawyers charge a fee at the very beginning the case and they charge a trial fee later on. This can radically alter the landscape for you. This can put you in a situation where you think you have an attorney working on the case but then all of a sudden they withdraw from representation.  The assault attorney withdraws because you’re not paying the additional fee

Get it in writing: When you retain a lawyer for an assault case in Arizona make sure you get a fee agreement in writing. Make sure that you know what you are getting into, when the payments are due, and how much the total will be.

We offer affordable fees and payment plans: If you have an assault case or any other criminal case in Arizona just give us a call we’re happy to speak with you. We offer consultations remotely or in the office. We’re also happy to give you a quote right over the phone. You will find that we really work with our clients to help them through a stressful and difficult process. Please call 602-989-5000 and let us get started for you today.

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Here at Alcock and Associates our team and staff are dedicated to helping and representing YOU. The first step is to understand your case. We will take the time to get to know you and your legal situation so that we are best able to answer all of your questions. After your initial consultation with our attorneys, you will know what you are facing and what can happen to your case.


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2 North Central Avenue, 26th Floor
Phoenix AZ 85004